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The Background

  •  Alliance for Sustainable Energy: Manages NREL for DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Guam 100 Initiative: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Guam 100 Initiative

  • Goal: Achieve 50% electricity sales from renewable energy by 2035 and 100% by 2045.
  • Objectives: Enhance energy system resilience, improve energy justice, and support ongoing/future planning efforts.
  • Project Scope: Includes stakeholder engagement, data generation, scenario development and evaluation, and technical and economic impact analysis.
  • Duration: 18 months.
  • Key Stakeholders: Government of Guam, Guam Power Authority, University of Guam, and local communities.
  • Energy Justice: Focus on procedural, recognition, distributive, and restorative justice principles to ensure fair access, acknowledge past harms, respect all participants, and consider equitable distribution of energy benefits and burdens.

ETIPP (Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project)

  • Managed By: NREL, with support from other national labs (Sandia, Lawrence Berkeley, Pacific Northwest).
  • Focus: Provides technical assistance to remote and island communities to enhance energy resilience and transition.

Objectives of the Project

  • Conduct robust stakeholder engagement and public outreach to reflect a breadth of stakeholder priorities and needs in the Guam100 study.

  • Ensure all communities have access to assistance through ETIPP.

Role of Subcontractor (MR&D with RiMS)

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate stakeholder engagement and public outreach, including remote and in-person meetings, survey design, implementation, and analysis.

  • Management and Coordination: Support logistics, meeting preparation, facilitation, and follow-up.

  • Outreach and Dissemination: Broadly disseminate study results and support public outreach strategies.

  • Survey Support: Develop, deploy, and analyze survey instruments.

  • ETIPP Support: Amplify awareness of ETIPP, advise on eligibility, provide feedback on applicants, and connect ETIPP with local stakeholders.

Specific Tasks

1.  Stakeholder Engagement Approach: Advise on additional stakeholders and public outreach strategies.

2. SC Coordination and Management: Coordinate logistics and materials for steering committee meetings.

3. Outreach and Dissemination: Support dissemination of results through public outreach campaigns.

4. Survey Support: Lead survey development, deployment, and data management.

5. ETIPP Support: Amplify program awareness, advise on applications, provide regional insights, and participate in ETIPP meetings.

The collaboration aims to achieve Guam’s renewable energy goals through comprehensive stakeholder engagement, robust data analysis, and focused public outreach, ensuring equitable and resilient energy transition pathways.

Focus Group Recruitment:

Market Research & Development (MR&D) is hosting a series of focus groups aimed at refining a survey instrument for an Islandwide renewable energy study in Guam. The study will collect data from 500 participants on energy consumption, energy technologies, energy burden, and interest in renewable energy solutions.

The focus groups, to be held prior to the survey administration, will consist of 6-10 participants per session, ensuring diverse demographic representation across Guam. Each session will last approximately 2 hours. Participants will receive a $100 cash incentive for their participation.

The feedback from the focus groups will help validate and refine the survey, ensuring clarity and relevance before the full survey rollout.

Focus Group Sign Up Form:

Focus Group - Guam 100 Initiative
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Market Research & Development Focus Group that will support renewable energy studies in Guam.

More Information: Market Research & Development (MR&D) is hosting a series of focus groups aimed at refining a survey instrument for an Islandwide renewable energy study in Guam. The study will collect data from 500 participants on energy consumption, energy technologies, energy burden, and interest in renewable energy solutions.

The focus groups, to be held prior to the survey administration, will consist of 6-10 participants per session, ensuring diverse demographic representation across Guam. Each session will last approximately 2 hours. Participants will receive a $100 cash incentive for their participation.

Please complete the following questions, which will be used to determine your eligibility to participate in the focus group and study.


Project Description: Market Research & Development (MR&D) is conducting a research study to increase understanding of how communities use the electrical grid and how their everyday routines affects the stability of the electrical grid, particularly during extreme events. If you are interested in participating in this study, we ask that you first complete this recruitment questionnaire for us to determine your eligibility. If you are eligible for full participation in the study, we will then contact you to take part in a focus group that consists of (1) a short sociodemographic questionnaire to understand your current energy use and conditions and (2) about two hours of conversation with a small group of your neighbors to gather insights about your everyday routines and responses to extreme events such as Typhoons. Depending on your personal history, questions related to your experiences with past extreme events could be upsetting. Participation in the recruitment questionnaire should take about 5 minutes. Participation in the focus group should take about two hours total. Your participation is voluntary.

Incentives: Participation in this focus group will involve no cost to you. If you participate in the focus group session, you will receive a $100 cash incentive at the end of the two-hour session. This compensation is provided as a token of appreciation for your valuable input, expertise, and participation in the study.

Risks and Benefits: Your participation in this study does not involve any risk to you beyond that of everyday life. Taking part in this research study may not benefit you personally, but we may learn new things that could help others.

Confidentiality: This section describes how data, recordings, identifiers (if any), etc. will be used, shared, and protected during the research, as well as their retention, use, or disposition following the conclusion of the research.

  • Data Use & Protection: All data gathered during this study will be de-identified and saved on secure drive to maintain confidentiality. Only the MR&D researchers on the research team will have access to the original data and the codes used to anonymize and de-identify your information. Identifiable data will never be shared outside the research team. If researchers outside the research team request access to identifiable data, the research team will contact you directly for additional informed consent to share such data prior to sharing any information.
  • Data Retention: If you decide to withdraw from this study, the researchers will ask you if the information already collected from you can be used.
  • Post-Study Data Use/Sharing: De-identified information from this study may be used for future research studies by the same researchers involved in this study without your additional informed consent.

Contacts and Questions:

If you have questions or concerns about the study, you can contact the researchers at: 

  • Name: Elizabeth Inos
  • Email:

This research has been reviewed and approved by the Central Department of Energy Institutional Review Board (CDOEIRB), an administrative group of people who oversee the rights and welfare of human-research subjects participating in research activities conducted under the auspices of U.S. Department of Energy.

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the research study, or for any other reason, you may contact the CDOEIRB at (865) 574-4359 or at  

Participation is voluntary. Refusal to participate or withdrawing from the research will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled.

By clicking “I agree” below, you confirm that you have read the consent form, are at least 18 years old, and agree to participate in the research. Please print or save a copy of this page for your records.

Do you agree to participate in the research?
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